BEHER全橡果 黑毛豬辣腸片 100g


西班牙名廠 BEHER 出品的亞黑毛豬,以橡果餵飼,屬於伊比利亞豬最高級的Bellota級別,肉質會有淡淡的橡果香味。 伊比利亞黑毛豬主要飼養在西班牙西南部與西部,肉質鬆化,肉味濃郁。豬肋條肉質爽彈,豬肉味濃,適合各種料理,炆煮、香煎或氣炸皆可


Beher pride themselves on the care of their 100% pure-bred Iberico pigs, descended from wild boar. These pigs forage free-range on the oak groves – known as dehesas – of Extremadura in south-west Spain. Feeding on acorns and pasture, it is this combination of diet, ancestry and their semi-wild existence that gives the meat its characteristic nutty flavour and melt-in-the-mouth texture. The meat is rich in oleic acid, the same “good cholesterol” found in olives, avocados and acorns! It is also rich in vitamins and minerals; particularly the antioxidant vitamin E.

Iberian Bellota ham is considered one of the best hams in the world.

The production of Iberian pigs is made freely in wide open spaces, while respecting the traditional diet of acorns.

Profiling, selection and curing are traditional methods in which each piece is individually treated by expert hands respectful of tradition. Once past the phase of stabilization and post-salting, the hams and shoulders are subjected to months of sweating in natural dryers. Then the process ends in cellars where hams undergo the final phase of maturation and ripening.

This is the respect for all the conditions that make Bellota hams are unique products and tasty.

This Bellota ham is sliced by hand to obtain optimal thick slices with a great proportion of fat.

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